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All rental properties in Baltimore County need to be inspected every three years by a Maryland State Licensed Home Inspector. Central Inspections is fully insured and licensed to perform home inspections and rental property inspections throughout Baltimore County.


$120 per rental unit. Please contact me for discount pricing for multiple properties.


In Baltimore County, you need a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide (CO) detector on every level of the unit. The smoke detectors MUST be hardwired. The CO detectors do not have to be hardwired, although they can be. If they are not hardwired, they must be powered by a 10-year sealed battery. Removable batteries and plug-ins are not allowed.

I highly recommend hardwired (AC powered) combination smoke/CO units such as the ones shown below:


Please note! Although the smoke detectors must be hardwired, they do not have to be hardwired to each other. Wireless interconnect is acceptable, as in the first example above. This can save you a lot of money on labor if you are having the property wired for the first time.

For more detailed info or to get your inspection started, contact Baltimore County’s top house, rental home, and apartment inspectors — Central Inspections at 443-629-0893 or click here.